The Opposite of War is Not Peace

It’s Love

We all know who loved us enough to wear a crown of thorns.

Below count how many tringles can fit and find in the bracelet that God seeks to give the woman A Nation HE loves the most. Then divide it by four to come up with how many pyramids we can …

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The Twelve Tribes a Closer Look

The image is a Celtic cross with five across and seven down for a total of twelve.  The formation of the cross started in the wilderness tabernacle when God had Moses place the twelve tribes according to their numbers, with the youngest being the fewest who found themselves at the top of the cross where …

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A Dark Comedy It is Not. Nothing Funny About Losing a Soul!

Sadly, this has happened because of this gift we have called free will. It was also given to the angels who came before the creation of man. Who insisted on seeing the SON of man before even knowing what a man was?

Trust me when I say God was in no hurry to see HIS …

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Strong Evidence Against Being Slain in the Spirit.

When you see the HOLY SPIRIT moving and claim it is the work of the devil that is blasphemy against the Spirit, it’s not the unpardonable sin which is rejecting Christ completely.

From Focus on the Family whom I have supported in the past and though they are linked into the apostasy they will quickly …

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It’s Just Not Fair Father they have so much and we have so little :) Like Gideon!

The map below is found on the Catholic Jesuits website. We are never getting America back again! When you give something to the devil he never gives it back unless you have something he want’s more than anything else in the world.

The only thing he can never have, God’s precious Jewish …

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God, Guns, and Glory

How does a weapon bring glory to God? Our weapons are mighty for the pulling down of strongholds; ours are love, laughter, and joy. Evil seeks to rob us of our joy and pleasures,  not physical pleasure. God made many of those,  but of the spiritual kind.   There is fullness of joy (complete satisfaction) in …

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The Magic Box vs the Card Trick

When Daniel was in Babylon he was well respected and his prophecies recorded along with his visions.  Educating what we discover later as the Magi (we get our word Magic from) who understanding the prophecies followed the star to Bethlehem that led them to Christ the MOST HIGH GOD! Who was birthed in a manger …

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The next biggest DOT COM on the planet.

The featured image is the globe divided up, it was my inspiration for Benjamin.Global the dark side are the wicked left behind.  The lighter side the ones to be raptured it is the iron and clay mix God can work with clay however iron needs to be tempered by heat and flame and will remain.  …

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American Mercy

We ended WWII by revealing to the world the power of the United States of America by dropping two nuclear devices on two cities, wiping out 105,000 souls in an instant. Before doing so, we dropped leaflets in both cities, warning them what was headed their way. What no gospel tracts??? It was America, after …

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Why the business cards are more effective than a tract.

Tracts are great. I loved and enjoyed the Chick Tracts. They enabled me to understand the story in a way that only a picture can express. The term a picture is worth a thousand words is golden because we live in a visual environment where God has made himself and HIS story known.

HE is …

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