Ezekiel 33 You Have Been Warned by a Watchman

America is gone because we gave it to the wicked and when you give something to the devil he never gives it back.

We took the SON of God and cast HIM down for the false Jesus of Rome.

Psalms 12:8 KJV (8)  The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.

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Opening the Vault for the fight Germ Warfare- Part 3

God made America look as much like his Government as possible through man. Many of my Protestant friends claimed they had Catholic friends, and some kept insisting that they were Christians too. That some Catholics love Christ they would say, I insisted and still do that isn’t the point, we need them all to love …

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Part 2-It is Germ Warfare so rapture closer than ever.

You need to wake up if you cannot see the antichurch making one more attempt at killing Protestantism. It should be evident to many in the Church questionable gifts came into the Church after Vatican two. What appeared to be a holy undertaking the reality was everyone under its power stands back up in defense …

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Miss Interpretation lead to Missed Representation It’s Germ Warfare – Part 1

I was told by a man at the time I had respect towards a Pastor and long-time old friend whom I stated in one of his services that I had won.  Jesus came to me and said, “tag your it.”  God showed me how this all started when I recognized the effigy of HIS SON …

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Interceding for those who made poor life Choices.

This image has been used before in a post named “Congratulations, Abraham.  It’s a Boy!” The passage this points to can be found in counting the circles on the male upper torso.  Knowing the story is just as important.  In the old testament and the new only the men were counted, not the women or …

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Meet Mrs. B. Eagle

She never soars like an eagle because her church treats her like a dog.

God never wanted a priesthood after HIS Son’s Resurrection. The reasons should be obvious enough. He allowed Rome to destroy the temple because that was, at the time, the enemy’s soldiers with all their false gods. So it was easy to …

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Hive Mentality The Family That Prays Together Stays Together

As believers, we know our King is coming, all the signs are here, we need to reach the lost and invite them to join the wedding. Did you know that bees are the best at math and have solved the traveling salesman that allows them to hit as many flowers in a field without missing …

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You want to go where everyone knows your name.

Couldn’t help but notice the new Applebee’s theme song is taken from the old television series Cheers.

Though for me it applies to the Church.

Is your name written in the lamb’s book of life?

Revelation 3:5 KJV (5)  He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot …

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A Closer Look at the TRINITY

The featured image is appropriately called the Sultan of Threes. This is not what God looks like; God is Spirit, and HIS SON looks exactly like us—known as the SON of Man. The very heart of God, worn on HIS sleeve to show us how much HE hates sin and loves us.

Romans 3:23 KJV  …

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God Will Not Partner With Sin

A minister brought this truth up in the last Sunday’s service that I attended.

How does the ecumenical Church reconcile HIS word on this subject?

The wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted. Psalm 12:8

Joseph Biden is a good Catholic and he has a whole Church of Priests to …

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